Book Review, 16th Edition

Title                     : The Obstacle is The Way " The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph

Writer                   : Ryan Holiday

Publisher              : Penguin Random House LLC 

Year of Published : 2014

Number of pages  : xvi+201 pages  

"Always prepare ourselves for more difficult times.
Always accept what we're unable to change.
Always manage our expectations.
Always preserve.
Always learn to love our fate and what happens to us.
Always protect our inner self, retreat into ourselves.
Always submit to a greater, larger cause.
Always remind ourselves for our own mortality.
And, of course, prepare to start the cycle once more."

I was on the way to the airport waiting room when I just realized that the boarding time was still an hour longer. It was a trip to meet someone that was actually an impromptu. Also, it was just the day after my birthday. So, it kind of picking up my gift, I guess.

So, back to the airport. Confuse to whether just chill in the cafe nearby or do other things, I decided to turn right and visit Periplus. Not having any books in the list, I just lingering and search for something that can fit my tiny sling bag. So, my eyes met this book. At first, I just interested in the title and when reading the back side of it, I think I will find some answers especially in these life situations that I can't tell you in this review, of course.

Ryan Holiday, thanks to him, could portray the easiness of life when you can control your perspective. Exercising stoicism is the key in his book. The very first step of seeing obstacles as the way is how we choose to see things on which side. Also, we have to take command of our emotions and not ever be consumed by it because sometimes emotion kills our logic. Although not everything can be in our hands, we also have to prepare that someday things are just outside our control. And so the very end step in perspective, as the writer wrote, is preparing for taking action.

Taking action needs to be done after we plot the opportunity and what strength we have. Taking action may not instantly give us results, so we need to practice persistence. Going with the flow is one of the preparedness we need to be consider of. After all, taking action itself will bring obstacle closer to us. But believe in that process, that if we succeeded in tackle the very now obstacle, then we are able to face the upcoming ones.

Lastly, Ryan talks about "will". If perspective is something about controlling our mind and taking action is preparing the move, then will is about the heart, about the passion we build. The power of "will" can determine someone to others. When everything broken apart and falling down around you, "will" cannot be shut down. Perserverance is something to train and grow the "will" inside us. Maybe we have to do all of it again and again, "will" is the one that can safe us, returning us to the way if we chose the wrong one, and make us remember who we truly are and what we are pursuing of.

This book is easy to read, light to bring, and give inspiration both along with answer in managing and countering obstacles. Ryan Holiday able to deliver the way of stoicism in different ways and more practical. Indeed, I have to try it myself first before claiming that this book changed myself or not. But then again, this book worth to read and to practice with.


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